sábado, 28 de setembro de 2013

Notificação de erros associados aos cuidados em saúde: desdobramentos

O post Notificação de erros associados aos cuidados em saúde: está o Governo no momento e no caminho certo? foi o mais lido de agosto em Saúde Web, atraindo a atenção da revista FH (antiga Fornecedores Hospitalares). Estão trabalhando matéria sobre o tema, e a expectativa é de que o Governo traga respostas às perguntas feitas no artigo original, fechando esta discussão com chave de outro, e a contento de todos os envolvidos. Por isso, o momento é interessante para que o debate, em comentários, seja ampliado. Abaixo alguns artigos interessante e relativamente recentes sobre o tema:

Reasons for not reporting patient safety incidents in general practice: a qualitative study. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2012 Dec;30(4):199-205. 
While most respondents were initially positive towards the idea of reporting and learning from patient safety incidents, they actually reported very few incidents. The major reasons for the low reporting rates are found to be a perceived lack of practical usefulness, issues of time and effort in a busy clinic with competing priorities, and considerations of appropriateness in relation to other professionals.

Barriers to the operation of patient safety incident reporting systems in korean general hospitals. Healthc Inform Res. 2012 Dec;18(4):279-86.
Participants suggested 96 barriers to incident reporting in their hospitals at the organizational and individual levels. To resolve and overcome these barriers, 104 recommendations were suggested. The high-priority recommendations included introducing reward systems; improving incident reporting systems, by for instance implementing a variety of reporting channels and ensuring reporter anonymity; and creating a strong safety culture.

Learning from Taiwan patient-safety reporting system. Int J Med Inform. 2012 Dec;81(12):834-41.
To encourage hospital staff to report incidents, hospitals need to be assisted in establishing an internal report and management system for safety incidents. Hospitals also need a protection mechanism to allow staff members to report incidents without the fear of punishment.

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